“Surcos del presente”

First Thursday September 7

International  Mexican Artists Printmaking.

Propulsion Zone Gallery 818 SW 1rt Ave Portland OR
7:oo pm


Time left for our next Show








⊕ Currently on Exhibit

Baldomero Robles / Photography

⊕ Veritas Wine Bar

7835 Southeast Stark Street, Portland, OR, 97215,

4:00pm – 10:00 pm Monday – Sunday

August  20 to September 15 2023


September 7 Thursday Night Dead COMEDY SHOW

⊕  By Fireball MGT @ 7:00pm

Thursday Night Dead

Comedy NIGHT every First Thursday 10/05/2023 11/02/2023 12/07/2023 A night you'll never forget of talented comedians sponsored by: Fireball Management & Propulsion Network COMEDY STARTS 8:00 PM $3:00 Cover Propulsion Zone Gallery 818 SW 1st ave, Portland, OR NEXT...

Steven Mays Quarantine Chronicles

Steven Mays Productions PRESENTS Quarantine Chronicles A Comedy special written and directed by Steven Mays Saturday, August 13th 2022 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Comedy starts at 7:30 p.m. 21+ / disability affirmative / $20 at door Cash app / Venmo /...

Old Town Comedy

PDX Scene Comedy NIGHT Line up SATURDAY MARCH 12 COMEDY STARTS 6:00 PM $5.00 cover at the door Old Town Gallery118 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209 Ian Durias Venmo: @iDuriasTjTodd BasilDavid KildalSam EdwardsSATURDAY MARCH 12 COMEDY STARTS 7:00 PM Old Town Gallery118...

Sam Edwards

Sam EdwardsFatherWriterComedianAvid child neglecterand “allegedly” a piss poor boyfriend Sam’s style of comedy is like watching a toddler fall down a flight of stairs.You might feel a little guilty for laughing at the time,But you are definitely going to tell your...

First Friday December 3 20121

FIRST FRIDAY EVENTPDXFriday December 3 2021 Felipe: Photos of Old Town AlbuquerquePhotography Exhibit by Richard Omier from 6:00pm PDX Comedy 7:00   Old Town Gallery118 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209Richard Omier These photos were taken in Spring of 2021, during...

Juan Duran

Originario de la Ciudad de México. Creció en San José California. En el seno de una familia con un gran sentido del humor.   Siempre ha gustado de hacer reír a la gente. Stand Up fue la respuesta perfecta. "Soy un artista de diferentes medios. Pinto, fotografía, y...

Todd Basil

Always professional, original, and adored by audiences, Todd Basil finds good-hearted hilarity in everyday life. His clean stand-up comedy mixes relatable personal experience with hilarious improvisational ability; and features unique and fervent physicalities. DONATE...

Steven Mays

"I was cautious at first, wanted to make sure I was perfect all the time when I performed, but there is no such thing as perfect."Propulsion Event present Steven Mays originally from Houston Texas. His humor has a particular rhythm and will leave you thinking "you...

Time left for our next Show








⊕  MAY 4 2023,  Writing Workshop

Crows on Wire 6:00 PM

Crows on Wire

Priceless crows gathers to hear your singular voice. Un monton de cuervos gritando poesía. Desde los alambres se te escucha.​QUE ES CUERVOS EN LOS ALAMBRES?Un programa de Propulsion Network enfocado a la literatura y escritura. "Cuervos en los Alambres" es una...

Time left for our next workshop








————-   PAST EVENTS   ———–

PDX Main Streets

PDX Main Streets

​The PDX Main Street Design Initiative is a coalition of community and business leaders, architects, designers, planners, artists and community advocates. For more than six years we've been working  to raise design literacy and empower community members to manage...

Onyx Cube Art Guild

Onyx Cube Art Guild

Its a program is a starting point for youth with goals to be recognized as a respected artist & craftsman. this program is designed to help an apprentice become well-versed & skilled in the arts. Apprentices are provided with free supplies, mentoring,...

Indra Arriaga

Indra Arriaga

Indra Arriaga Delgado Indra Arriaga is a Mexican artist, writer, and researcher working in Alaska. In 2019, Indra was awarded an Individual Artist Award from the Rasmuson Foundation, and inducted to the Athena Society of Anchorage. Indra’s art has shown...