Juan Duran

Juan Duran

Originario de la Ciudad de México. Creció en San José California. En el seno de una familia con un gran sentido del humor.   Siempre ha gustado de hacer reír a la gente. Stand Up fue la respuesta perfecta. "Soy un artista de diferentes medios. Pinto, fotografía, y...

Coming of Age

Coming of Age

A man doesn't show strength by beating his chest. A man shows strength by beating the odds. – Personal quote Book Presentation  Thursday December 2 2021118 NW Couch St1:00 pm Richard Ian Wilde is a Pacific Northwest writer and newly published author. He has been...

Pedro Andrade

Pedro Andrade

Pedro Andrade is a stand up comic living in Portland Oregon. He's the proud owner of a 1999 Toyota Camry with low mileage. His material is mostly about life as a Mexican immigrant in America and the rising costs of thrift stores. He's got experience with Excel,...

Denise Martin

Denise Martin

Harpist, Comedian Natural health coach Homeless Advocate HARPeoke is a fundraiser for The Homeless Harpist, Denise Martin. Her OPED in the Oregonian July 4th changed the conversation in PDX about homelessness. Denise and her son are still homeless, winter is coming,...

Richard Omier

Richard Omier

Albuquerque Downtown December 3 First Friday Show I lived in Albuquerque for a few years in my 20s. I had my first apartment there. I feel like no one forgets their first apartment. The city always has plenty to offer in terms of architecture, food, culture and...

José Alfredo Coyote Romero

José Alfredo Coyote Romero

ESPAÑOL Autorreflexión de la mirada La obra de José Coyote crea sensitivos personajes emparentados con la melancolía, expresada a través de las nostálgicas miradas de jóvenes mujeres. Sus cuadros y grabados nos despojan de todo lo que nos cubre, haciéndonos sentir...