Comedy, Poetry, Music in an Open Mic.
The Bilingual community of creators, Writers, poets, artists and special guest of Oregon. Will be together for one special time to exchange words, comedy, poetry and ideas to close with great music and fire performers.
Friday May 6 2022
No Cover,
Old Town Gallery Cafe
Down Town Portland, Oregon.
La Peña Pueblo Viejo
Encuentro Bilingue de Comedia, Poesía, Prosa, musica y Microfono Abierto.
La comunidad de escritores poetas y artistas e invitados especiales de Oregon. Se reúnen a intercambiar palabras, versos, Comedia, ideas y letras, anécdotas y música en una noche cultural.
Friday Junio 3 2022
Old Town Gallery Cafe
Down Town Portland, Oregon.

Book Presentation
Concepción Sámano
Guest Artist Fernando Romero, Printmaking
Music Guest
Comedian Guest
Old Town Gallery Cafe
Old Town Portland, Oregon.

State Regulations
Masks are encourage. Businesses, employers and faith institutions now have the option to adjust their masking guidance to allow fully vaccinated individuals to no longer wear a mask in their establishments. Businesses, employers and faith institutions doing so must have a policy in place to check the vaccination status of all individuals before they enter their establishment.