Sollín awaked
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 2022 @ 7:00pm
Old town Cafe Gallery
118 NW Couch St
Downtown Portland

Sollín Story
One Alebrije in Oregon

Who is Sollín?
A fantastical creature composed by a trilogy group of mythological creatures that magically are represented here by a xoloitzcuintli (dog) kosatli (fox ) and tochtli ( Rabbit) names are in “Nahuatl” the language of the Aztecs.
By the amount of shapes, forms, and colors the 3 show us the beauty of universal perspective, diversity, kindness, love and unity we desperately need as humans and creatures of this world.
Sollín. This name is composed of two words, Sol and Ollin. Sol is sun in Spanish and Ollin is a calendrical day which means movement, change and action in con junction together means “sun in movement“.
Renée Roman Nose
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