Peña Charra del Oeste 2020
Viernes 9 de Octubre 2020 A partir de las 7 :00pm a 9 :00 pm Peña Charra del Oeste 2020 Conferencia Magistral impartida por la Licenciada María Eugenia García Acosta Orgullo de identidad Nacional Por su trayectoria entre otras cosas : Miembro del círculo de...
Updated June 30, 2020 Phase 1 Governor Brown’s latest executive order outlines a plan to re-open the economy in phases. It encourages businesses to reopen carefully, and to continue healthy practices to stay safe Multnomah County is in Phase 1 of reopening. Oregon’s...
Book Presentation: Jorge L. Porrata Saturday 27 2020
First Friday MAY 1 2020
Adapting for the current historic circumstances. Old Town is going personal. We present our current artist in a different format with more access than previews shows. Friday May 1 2020 Art Exhibit by Jorge Porrata from 7:00pm – 8:pm Artist will be available for one to...
Jorge Porrata
Jorge Luis Porrata nació y creció en Camagüey, Cuba. Poeta y artista visual. En 2001 llega a vivir al suroeste de los Estados Unidos donde permanece por siete anos. en su trayectoria Jorge a ilustrado seis libros para la editorial Cubana/americana House Homago con...
Disaster Loan Assistance and Other Resources
COVID-19 ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER LOAN APPLICATION SBA is collecting the requested information in order to make a loan under SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program to the qualified entities listed in this application that are impacted by the Coronavirus...
Portland Small Business Relief Fund
The Portland Small Business Relief Fund will provide grants and no interest loans to support Portland small businesses experiencing hardships related to COVID-19. The goal of the fund is to provide immediate relief by helping business owners retain their businesses...
Andrés Medina Flores
Andrés Medina Flores es uno de los artistas más sobresalientes de Malinalco, Estado de México. Desde los primeros años mostró facilidades para el dibujo , la pintura y la talla en madera. En esta última técnica produjo varias piezas, desde juguetes hasta instrumentos...
Everything is Fine
Blind Insect Gallery
Blind Insect Gallery opened seven years ago on Division street as a Gallery showcasing artwork by Pepe Moscoso and other artists. After closing the gallery to travel to fine art festivals throughout the west, Blind Insect Gallery has now reopened in the Alberta Arts...