(Benzoylmethylecgonine) Coca, soda, chili, stripe, line, snow, powder What is coaína? Cocaine is a stimulant distributed in the form of a white powder (cocaine hydrochloride) and is obtained after a complex chemical process applied to the leaves of the coca bush,...
¿Qué es el crack? El crack es una sustancia estrechamente relacionada con la cocaína. (Benzoylmethyl ecgonine) conocida comunmente como, piedra, roca, cocaína crack, pasta, freebase. En el proceso de producción de ésta, antes de que el producto alcance su popular...
Sam Edwards
Sam EdwardsFatherWriterComedianAvid child neglecterand “allegedly” a piss poor boyfriend Sam’s style of comedy is like watching a toddler fall down a flight of stairs.You might feel a little guilty for laughing at the time,But you are definitely going to tell your...
Brothers With Benefits
Live ShowDecember 047:00pm Private Stage Studio2620 SE Powell Blvd Made in Portland band of two. Brothers with benefits is a dynamic duo with out the moral direction of a Gotham City super hero. Their music will be hard to label on a specific style however, We...
First Friday December 3 20121
FIRST FRIDAY EVENTPDXFriday December 3 2021 Felipe: Photos of Old Town AlbuquerquePhotography Exhibit by Richard Omier from 6:00pm PDX Comedy 7:00 Old Town Gallery118 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209Richard Omier These photos were taken in Spring of 2021, during...
Víctor Figueroa Infante
Víctor Figueroa Infante. 02 de Abril de 1990. A la edad de diecisiete años elige el acordeón para ganarse la vida y se traslada a Québec, Canadá. En 2010 presenta la primera obra de su autoría llamada “El Remedio es Evalu -Arte”. Becario del gobierno Rumano en 2012...
Tonalli Ruth Parra Interview Propulsion Network about the progress of the organization in 2021. In addition to talk about the next first Friday event and the current Day of the death exhibit in Old Town Gallery Cafe. Volunteer-Powered, Non-Commercial,...
The Lazy Universe
The Lazy Universe was conceived in the middle of the Nevada desert, where Stacey Tolle and Hudson Flanigan were working on a movie called Nowhere Nevada. The two knew each other back in the 90's in Reno where they both were involved in the music scene. Hudson played...
Melissa Castillo Garsow
Coatlicue Eats the AppleMelissa is an Mexican-American writer, journalist and active scholar in the fields of English literature, American Studies, African American Studies, and Latin American/Latino Studies. At Yale, she focuses on the study of Afro-Latino history...
Instituto de Cultura Oregoniana ( ICO )
El ICO es una organización cultural sin fines de lucro. Utilizamos un modelo financiero sostenible basado en la oferta de servicios profesionales, y en concordancia con nuestra misión el promover la cultura hispanohablante de Oregón, y promover el multilingüismo como...