Every first Friday
Blissday Collages
September Art Show - Photography Blissday Collages project Opening September 16 7:00Pm Special event September 19 Music Guest: 7:00Pm Old Town Cafe Gallery 118 NW Couch St Portland OregonZen Achilles is an artist who currently resides in Milwaukie, Oregon. He...
First Friday July 1
Comedy, Poetry, Music in an Open Mic. The Bilingual community of creators, Writers, poets, artists and special guest of Oregon. Will be together to show Photography exhibit, a book presentation, comedy, and the poetry of Dj Charles in form of music and fire...
First Friday June 3 2022
Comedy, Poetry, Music in an Open Mic. The Bilingual community of creators, Writers, poets, artists and special guest of Oregon. Will be together for one special time to exchange words, comedy, poetry and ideas to close with great music and fire performers. Friday May...
First Friday MAY 2022
Comedy, Poetry, Music in an Open Mic. First reunion of the year. The Bilingual community of creators, Writers, poets, artists and special guest of Oregon. Will be together for one special time to exchange words, comedy, poetry and ideas to close with great music and...
Peña Pueblo Viejo 2022 MARCH
Comedy, Poetry, Music in an Open Mic. First reunion of the year. The Bilingual community of creators, Writers, poets, artists and special guest of Oregon. Will be together for one special time to exchange words, comedy, poetry and ideas to close with great music and...
Adrián Padilla
Punktum Project First Friday March 4 2022 7:00 pm Old Town Gallery 118 Nw Couch St Portland OregonPrintmaking Etching Solo ShowAdrian Padilla, Was born in Michoacan Mexico. self taught artist always interested in social justice, music, painting, poetry and graphic...
Sollín its a Live!
PROPULSION NETWORK EVENT Sollín awaked SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 2022 @ 7:00pm Where Old town Cafe Gallery 118 NW Couch St Downtown Portland Sollín Party Everyone is welcome, Will salute Sollín is a seven feet sculpture in a form of a Alebrije that was commission for the...
First Friday January 2022
FIRST FRIDAY EVENTMetamorphosis PDX Friday January 7 2022. Enter the realm of cyclic samsara, birthing, thriving, and withering, to be reborn again. This collection of oil paintings and ceramic sculptures is rooted in philosophy seen through a surrealistic lens. The...
First Friday December 3 20121
FIRST FRIDAY EVENTPDXFriday December 3 2021 Felipe: Photos of Old Town AlbuquerquePhotography Exhibit by Richard Omier from 6:00pm PDX Comedy 7:00 Old Town Gallery118 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209Richard Omier These photos were taken in Spring of 2021, during...
November 2 2021
Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) or is more common to say Dia de Muertos (Day of Dead) yes! there is a difference. This is a Mexican celebration of life to remember an honor those loved ones who no longer share a physical space with us. However, their presence is...