Joe Alt Night

Joe Alt Night

Music for Muertos Night DJJoe AltExperimentalFridayNOVEMBER 1 Propulsion Zone8:00 pm - 11:55 pmArt work Dia de Muertos by Oregonmuertos.orgDjBetroxxDj Musician and producer Joe Alt special guest Dj Betroxx performing at818 SW 1st ave Downtown Portland OR. He...

Spoken Letters to my Younger Self Part 2

Spoken Letters to my Younger Self Part 2

July 12 Event Bilingual Poetry, Music &  Storytelling  Night presented by members of the latinx community Spoken word starts 7:00pm Noche de Poesía, Musica e historias presentadas por miembros de la comunidad hispana. ART SHOW FEATUREIrma Bastida Open to the...

Wamba Friday 21

Wamba Friday 21

AC Music Productions Presents Wamba Album Release & Special Tribute w/Woshishijye Drummers Doors at 7:30 p.m. | Show from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Two sets with intermission All ages | Disability Affirmative | family friendly Tickets: General Admission | $25 standard...

Spoken Letters To My Younger Self

Spoken Letters To My Younger Self

International and Orengon First Friday Event June / 07/ 2024Bilingual Poetry, Music &  Storytelling  Night presented by members of the latinx community Spoken word starts 7:00pm Noche de Poesía, Musica e historias presentadas por miembros de la comunidad hispana....

Mount Tabor Art Walk

Mount Tabor Art Walk

ART WALK SHOW MAY / 18-19/ 2024Hike through Art Open Studios start 10:00am Open to the Public Mount Tabor Portland OR  Look for the Yellow SignsMount Tabor Art Walk MAy 18-19 2024Annual Art walk Set in the beautiful historic Mount Tabor neighborhood. The art walk is...

Crows on Wire

Crows on Wire

Priceless crows gathers to hear your singular voice. Un monton de cuervos gritando poesía. Desde los alambres se te escuchan.​QUE ES CUERVOS EN LOS ALAMBRES?Un programa de Propulsion Network enfocado a la literatura y escritura. "Cuervos en los Alambres" es una...

Hampton Rodriguez

Hampton Rodriguez

DEPTH New vision from Hampton Rodriguez MAY 18 2024 / 6:00pm at the Propulsion Zone Gallery 818 SW 1st AvePortland OregonPintor dominicano, nació en Santo Domingo, Estudio Ilustración y Bellas Artes en 1993-1994 en la Escuela de diseño de Altos de Chavón, afiliada...