Indra Arriaga Delgado
Indra Arriaga is a Mexican artist, writer, and researcher working in Alaska. In 2019, Indra was awarded an Individual Artist Award from the Rasmuson Foundation, and inducted to the Athena Society of Anchorage. Indra’s art has shown internationally in Germany, Oman, Bulgaria, France and Armenia. Nationally, she has exhibited in Portland, OR, San Francisco, CA, Camarillo, CA,
New York, NY, San Antonio, TX, Miami, FL, and in various cities in Alaska. In addition to her work in the visual arts, Indra works as an independent consultant doing economic and social research statewide and internationally, and a freelance writer.

Art Show September 2019
Mexican Artist from Alaska
Entre Sueños
Entre Sueños (Between Dreams) is a selection of work that invokes particular
moments in everyday life when reality and imagination overlap between different
states of consciousness. The images represent fleeting attempts to recall dreams,
memories, or emotions. The initial grasp at a transitory state upon the moment of
waking from a deep sleep can take many forms, or simply, leave one with
sensations that lead to awareness; their manifestation can be through color or
movement, as in the works Al Viento and Wind. At other times the images can
represent a place in a moment of stillness such as in Una Noche en el D.F. or El
Chipi Chipi. The title of the latter refers to a light, fastidious, and unrelenting rain
that falls in Xalapa, Veracruz in the evenings, “chipi chipi” is the sound that it
makes and how Xalapeños refer to this particular rain. Other memories in
between dreams are sometimes about people or myths regarding gender and
social biases that oppress, such depictions include Las 4 Rebecas, La Colombiana,
and Echo. The time in between dreams, just like the time in the waking hours, are
inundated by knowledge of a devolving world order and collapsing environment,
and so works like La Frontera, Once Upon a Glacier, and Hope Rising (and the rest)
serve to raise awareness and sound an unconscious alarm to Wake Up! and do