Renée Roman Nose, MAIS, citizen of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, is an activist, artist, motivational speaker, poet, photographer and cultural anthropologist. Author of Sweet Grass Talking, published by Uttered Chaos Press, Roman Nose is inspired by historical and contemporary issues. Her Spoken Word CD, The River of Life, with noted Native flute player, Peter Ali, is available in person, on Spotify, and on Amazon. Her second book is currently in progress, with an anticipated release winter of 2025. Roman Nose lives and thrives in the Pacific Northwest. You can reach her on Facebook: Renee L. Roman Nose, BlueSky and Threads: renee_roman_nose, The art of Renee Roman Nose has previously appeared in showings in Tacoma and Everett, Washington, and in Oneida, New York.