Musicians and Performers are schedule base on membership. This is acquired by simply coming to perform to the cafe once. That will allow us to record video and photography you in our space. This material will be use to create a page in the website to promote your future presentations.
Most venues does not have ASCAP license at the moment. Therefore any performance can only play original music. No covers allowed unfortunately. Depending on consecutive number of presentations License can be purchased for specific dates.
Propulsion Network promote music performance throughout our social media platforms, alliances with local organizations and email list. However, Musician is encourage to promote their own presentations in their networks in addition to ours.
- Basic PA. 8 Channel (XLR and 3/4 plug)
- 2 Microphones
- 2 mic Stands
- 3 point Lighting with console
- 1 Peavey studio Amplifier
- 1 peavey Studio Amplifier
- 2 Speaker 3 imputs (XLR, 3/4 plug, RCA

Old Town Stage Interior

Old Town Stage Exterior