Propulsion network has different Gallery spaces that offers a cross pollination of talent at the first Friday events of every month and special dates. Artists from the network present visual arts, music, poetry, story telling & performance.
Propulsion Network tiene varios espacios de galerias los cuales son un laboratorio de talento cada primer viernes del mes y fechas especiales. Artistas de nuestra red presentan artes visuales, música, poesía, cuento corto, performance.
Time left for our next Show
Rules and Regulations
- Artist is responsible for work installation. Work should be hang within a minimum of three days before opening. Installation is only during off business hours 5:00pm forward.
- Gallery provide basic tools, ladder (1) 6’ and a modifiable up to 12’. scissors, fishing tread. However, PN recommends to bring your own tools and materials. Wire and hooks for art work.
- With few exceptions is not allow to nail the walls. All artwork most be hanging from the existing reel system.
- Artist is responsible to turn promotional and marketing materials. as well as labels for art work before opening of show
- Artist is responsible to uninstall art work at the end of the month. Coordination with staff is important.
- – Bio and artist statement No more than 500 words each. Please include basic information. Name, email, website, tel.-List of prices with image of the artwork for identification and dimensions. Make a second list for identification cards with the information with individual description. Title, Medium, Price, Artist etc.
- If List of prices and cards are mailed most be received 8 days in advance of the show date Old Town Gallery is happy to print and prepare paperwork for artist. Otherwise Artist is responsible to bring printed material the day of exhibit preparation. Identification cards and labels (with price, title and information) most be place under art work before opening
- If the art work require spacial materials to be hang. Please let know the gallery in advance so can be prepared. Otherwise artist is responsible to provide such materials in order to hang and place their own work.
- artist is responsible managing sales for work. At the time of hang and place their own work. labels should have information for potential buyers to contact the artist directly (we suggest email) Any sales manage through the cafe or PN are subject to 25% of commission. Any sales managed by the artist are free of commission we suggest 10% donation to PN
- Please don’t hesitate to email or text any questions.
–Graphic support
4 images of artwork in JPG format no bigger than 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels at 72 dpi.
Reglas y Regulaciones
- Artista es responsable por instalación de trabajo mínimo 3 días antes de inauguración. Instalación se lleva acabo después del cierre de la galleria 5:00pm en adelante.
- Old Town provee herramientas básicas, escaleras (2) una de 4’ y una segunda de hasta 12’ tijeras, hilo de pescar transparente. Sin embargo recomendamos al artista traer su propias herramientas y materiales.
- Con pocas excepciones no se permite perforar o hacer agujeros para tornillos en las paredes de ladrillo. Toda pieza de arte tiene que ser colgada del sistema de barra ya instalado.
- Artista es responsable por desmontar instalación al final del mes en coordinación con personal autorizado.
- Artista es responsable de entregar materiales de promoción y marketing.
– Materiales Graficos,
4 fotografías de la obra en formato JPG de dimensiones no mayores 1200 pixels X 1200 pixels a 300 dpi.– Biografías del Artista No mas 500 palabras
incluyendo información básica. Website, email, teléfono.– Semblanza y o descripción de la exhibición.
– Lista de precios con fotografía y dimensiones de la obra. y una lista para tarjetas individuales de identificación de la obra. Titulo, medio, dimesiones, precio, artista, etc.
- Si la lista de precios y tarjetas son mandadas con una aticipación a 8 dias previo a la fecha de la exhibicón Old Town Gallery apoya al artista a imprimir las listas y tarjetas. de lo contrario el artista es responsable por traer las tarjetas de identificación semblanza y listas ya impresas.
- Si el trabajo requiere algun tipo de material especial para colgar. Es importante hacerle saber a Old Town Gallery para estar preparado el dia de colgar y prepara las exhibición. de lo contrario el artista es responsable por traer estos materiales.
- Por favor no dudes en contactarnos con tu preguntas.
Visual Artist:
1.- Fill form and send proposal for exhibit.
Artista Visual:
1 Enviar por correo electronico propuesta para exhibicion.
Will reply with an email so you can reply with four images of the work you would like to exhibit..
Contestaremos con un correo electrónico para que nos mandes cuatro imágenes del trabajo que se desea exponer.

Wall 1
H 10′ X W 16′ Wood
Wall 2
Wall 3
Wall 4
Wall 5
Wall 6
Wall 7
Window 1
#1 window often use for posters advertising
#2 Available
#3 Available